Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday


Oh July, where have your days gone?  It's hard to believe that we have slightly over a week left in this month.  Summer Break came to a close quicker than I expected.  I feel like I'm in the minority, but I'm NOT looking forward to school starting back up.  If anything all the recent tragedies have made me cherish this uninterrupted time with my family even more.  So much so that I think we're going to give homeschooling a try, but that's another post for another time.

This week I am giving thanks for time spend with my loved ones.  For the last almost three weeks we've been enjoying the comforts of staying with my mom back in my hometown.  We came down for my niece's 11th birthday and ended up pretty much staying, going home for clothes and to visit with the Mr twice.  I feel a little sad that his job isn't as flexible and he hasn't been able to come with us.

Nevertheless, this stay is important.  Now that I'm in my thirties, I'm realizing just how older my mom is and how much older her siblings are.  For the first time in a long time, I'm reminded that life is fleeting and can be taken in an instant.  Before this trip it had been well over two years since Moo and JJ had seen my aunts or any of their cousins outside of my niece!  I didn't want to the next time they spend time with them to be at a funeral.  I want them to get to know and love my aunts like I do.

I'm thankful that I got to run to in one of my cousins and his family at the library.  He's in the military and we haven't seen each other in over five years.  Unfortunately, he hasn't ever been stationed anywhere close to home.  I'm so grateful that he's in good health and has been blessed enough to return home safe and without any injuries from every mission that he's been on.  I'm even more grateful for his sacrifice that he makes everyday in serving our country.

Before our trip to my mom's Moo almost had a hospital stay.  Long story short she was having a severe allergic reaction to something and we couldn't get her hives under control.  She had been taking Benadryl for two days and by day three the hives had gotten worst.  Her whole body was almost covered.  So we called the pediatrician and she said to take her to the emergency room ASAP.  I'm so grateful that when all was said and done, she only needed a few days worth of steroids.

Thank God it wasn't something worse.  However, I did have a brief meltdown after everyone went to bed that night.  I felt (and still feel) guilty that I have passed my kids bad genes.  While I didn't have food or pet allergies as child, I was definitely sick often and saw the inside of my pediatrician's office and the hospital ER more than my siblings.  I know that I can only do so much in terms of controlling my kids' health, but that doesn't the stop the mommy guilt during moments like this.  I hate seeing my children suffer, but what mom doesn't?

Lastly, I'm so thankful for everyone who has used their voices whether on social media or their blogs to come together to support the Black community (and other minorities) after all of these recent senseless shootings.  Police violence against people with brown skin has gotten out of control.  Or as a few people pointed out, maybe it's always been out of control but we're just now broadcasting it through live video and this is the first time we're actually seeing it.   At the same time I am thankful for those in law enforcement (my husband and cousins included) who are working hard to make sure that we know a few bad cops/law enforcement officials don't speak/stand for all of them.

We are in trying time folks.  There's no better way to say it.  We have to continue to be vocal about our frustrations, demand answers and try to build a bridge law enforcement in our area.  We have to get out here in the trenches and get our hands dirty.  That means if you see someone getting pulled over and you're not in hurry, why not pull off to side of the road and be a witness.  Get to know your police chief and a few of your local police officers.  You will find that they are NO different than us.  I'm heartbroken over the recent killings of innocent police officers.

That does not help the cause, but distracts from it as so many people have attached those killings to the Black Lives Matter movement, which in itself is very peaceful and against violence.  Instead express and channel your frustration by writing letters to and calling your town and state representatives as well as  being active in your community overall.  You'd be amazed at all the volunteer needs you can find in your communities.  Be smart, be safe and spread love y'all!

What are you giving thanks for this week?


  1. Daenel Vaughn-Tucker (@DaenelT)July 25, 2016 at 4:39 PM

    I thought you quit blogging; for some reason your posts aren't showing up in my reader {I use Feedly}. Not sure what's up with that. Not cool. At all.

    I hear you on visiting family. Every time I go home, I'm reminded of the fact that my parents are getting older. It breaks my heart because in my head they're still in their 30s and 40s. But I know that's not real because I'm in my 40's.

    So happy Moo is OK. There's nothing scarier than having a sick baby {even if that baby would have a fit knowing that I called her baby}. LOL

    I'm cherishing the moments that I have with my girls. They're leaving for college in a few weeks and I'm not ready. I mean, they're actually moving away and not just living on campus like they did last semester. Why do they have to grow up?!?!

    Have a happy weekend!

  2. I'm glad Moo is okay! I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I know how it feels. Mom guilt is no bueno, I hate it. Did you find out what she is allergic to?
    I'm in the same camp with you, I'm not ready for school to start, but thankfully I still have more time.
    Hopefully, we can work together to build bridges, we need them.

  3. Goodness knows that in the midst of all that is going on, we need to be thankful every single day. Glad that your daughter is okay...that must have been so scary for your entire family including her. I am thankful for the little moments...i try not to rush and just take it easy with the little ones.

  4. It was definitely scary, but I'm glad she's better now. And thank God for little moments!

  5. Mommy guilt sucks! We have a list of her allergies, but we don't know which one triggered the allergic reaction. :(

  6. No, I'm still blogging. Just switched from Blogger to Wordpress and haven't updated in Bloglovin yet. And I can't even think about either of mine moving away without getting all teary eyed. It's truly bittersweet watching our children spread their wings and come into their own.
