Thankful Thursday

"Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith."
~ Anonymous 

Happy Thankful Thursday!  I feel like this has been a fast week.  Who can believe tomorrow is Friday and that January is halfway over?!  Time is not slowing down this year either y'all.  If you set goals and/or resolutions like I did, then I hope you have been making great progress or steps toward accomplishing them.

As I mentioned in my last Thankful Thursday post, my little guy has been officially discharged from speech therapy.  I'm grateful that this week he handled not meeting with his therapist well.  He is a creature of habit for sure.  He asked if he would be having therapy this week the night before his usual session and I said no.  I wasn't sure how he was going to react, but he took it well.  

No meltdowns or anything.  He asked the morning she was supposed to come and I reminded him again that she wasn't coming and he just said okay and then we went to hang out at the library.  I'm taking this as a sign that it was time for us to move on.  However, his therapist will be missed and said that I could continue to reach out to her should I have any questions or see any relapse.

I'm grateful that Moo has steadily been making great friends this school year.  She has two best friends and they are the sweetest girls.  One friend wrote her the nicest poem about Winter and her other friend made her the loveliest flower by gluing paper confetti to a sheet of notebook paper.  I think that friend has a future in art because she did an amazing job with it.

Speaking of Moo's friends, she wasn't happy at first when I told her we were moving.  She didn't and still doesn't want to leave her best friends.  However, earlier this week we're spending some time together and she said that she will be okay with leaving her friends because she understood that we were moving and that they could move too since they also stay in apartments.  I'm grateful she's not upset about our upcoming move anymore.

However, I think we're both still a little bit sad about her leaving her friends.  Honestly, as my kids older, I develop more of a love-hate relationship with living in a big city versus the small town I grew up in.   Here there's always school rezoning which means even if we didn't move, she or her friends could have been rezoned to a new school next year.  Nevertheless, we're going to stay positive and I'm reaching out to her friends' parents to exchange emails and Skype info so this trio can stay in contact and meetup for playdates this summer and next school year.

And since I'm talking about mom stuff, I just want to say that Moo and I have had a blast reading the Ever After High (affiliate link) series by Shannon Hale together.  It's given us another avenue on which to bond.  I'm grateful our shared love of books and reading is bringing us even closer as mommy and daughter.  If you have a young daughter definitely read these books with her.

Lastly, I'm thankful that my writing partner and I are still going strong.  We're both still working on our solo projects and bouncing ideas off each other and chatting about stuff that writers like to chat about.  We've also decided to do Camp NaNo together this summer.  I'm excited.  

Big or small, what's one thing that you're grateful for this week?  Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. I am grateful that I tackled all of my tasks when they presented themselves. I'm a huge procrastinator and it was getting in the way of my success. This week, when things needed to get done, I did them.

  2. I am thankful for having GOD in my life

  3. It's hard, as a parent that has moved multiple times to multiple states with three children, I know the struggle is real. You want to give your kids the best, find a place to call home, but taking them away from their friends, hurts. I feel bad that I've done this. Thankfully, my eldest still keeps in touch with her friends through texts and MAIL. :)
    The little ones have bounced back and made new friends, kids got it like that. :)
    I miss taking my babies to reading time at the library!! They went and grew up on me, so now we go to the library no reading circle... :::sigh:::
    Wishing you all the best!
