Thankful Thursday

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
~ Winnie the Pooh

I couldn't agree more with my loveable friend Winnie.  This weekend my mom came up with the intentions of taking the kids school shopping and we ended up on a road trip to the beach to surprise my baby brother.  And I'm grateful that it did.  Y'all I hadn't seen my baby brother in over a year!  It felt great to hang out with him and help him get all moved into his first real grown up place.

We laughed and got caught up on life in general.  The kids really had blast hanging out with him exploring his new place.  As much as my brother likes to pretend he doesn't want kids, watching him interact with Moo, JJ and my niece says otherwise.  He's going to be a great father when the time comes.  

I got to go back to my hometown which was a little sad because so much has changed and not in a good way.  But the hardest and saddest thing of this weekend was saying goodbye to my family on Monday morning.  Being a grown up with responsibilities like work, etc. sucks sometimes.  Not having all of my favorite people in the same city as me sucks all the time.  Phone calls, texts and Skype are great, but they're nothing compared to spending time together in person.

Never the less, I'm grateful for the time we did have and that I only have to wait another two weeks until they're back for another visit!!  I'm most thankful though this week for my mom just allowing me talk about my fears as it regards to JJ and his Autism.  His occupational therapy evaluation is coming up and my head is just one big emotional jungle right now.  

And I've been trying so hard to not let the walls cave in around me, but it's hard.  So. Hard.  It felt good to kind of talk to her about how was feeling.  To let out some of the things I've been holding in.  I'm still overwhelmed, but  I feel like I have better grip on everything.

What are you most thankful for this week?

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  1. Talk it out and make sure you have a good support system. I can't imagine having so much on me but you know God gives the most to the strongest. Glad you got to see family. My kids just started school and they have been sick I am thankful they have insurance

  2. This week I'm thankful for the fact that I have the money to do ALL of my daughter's back to school shopping!!! We will be getting it done next week
