Thankful Thursday

"No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks."

~ Unknown

When I stumbled across this week's Thankful Thursday quote it really resonated within me.  For me and my family, thank you is a phrase that you will hear pretty often around here, especially from Moo.  She's very good at remembering to say thank you when someone does something for her like holding her door or opening her soy yogurt.  I feel like her heart so full of gratitude.

I'd like to take credit for that and I kind of can, but I know a lot of her kindness and overall awesomeness is just how God made her.  Although, I do my best to set great examples, I know that there are just somethings that God really gifted her with before she even came into the world.  She's taught me the importance of letting people know that I am grateful.  Whether it's being grateful for simply having them in my life or being grateful for something they did for me, it's very important to say thank you and express our gratitude.

With that said this week I'm giving thanks for awesome pediatricians.  Whenever one of the kids are sick, they always manage to squeeze them in to be seen the same day when I call.  They are very familiar with the fact that a common cold is never just a common cold for Moo and JJ.  I love how they take the time to explain what the issue is, how the kids may have gotten it and ways that we can prevent them from catching it again.  They also know that I get a bit of anxiety when my kids get sick and they do a great job of reassuring me.

Today is National Mom's Night Out and I'm grateful for the opportunity to hang out with some of my favorite bloggers and friends.  A special thanks to Kate from My Mommy Brain for hosting the event!  She's so sweet, soft spoken and just has this bubbly personality that is contagious.  Definitely, drop by her blog and check out her copy cat recipe posts because she is a master at replicating restaurant dishes!

A photo posted by K. E M (@yummommies) on

I'm thankful that this week the Mr got to take the weekend off.  This does not happen very often.  We had a blast enjoying one of our favorite parks.  We played soccer with the kids.   Once the kids went to sleep we got to have the evenings to ourselves to reconnect as a couple.

Lastly, I'm grateful to have my voice back today.  I woke up Wednesday morning with a swollen, itchy throat and no voice thanks to severe allergies.  Moo thought it was hilarious that I had to pretty much use hand gestures to communicate.  Pretty sure I looked like a mad woman with my hands flapping everywhere.  Thanks to resting my voice and some home remedies I was able to get the swelling down and can talk today!!

What are you giving thanks for this week?

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  1. I love when my hubs has weekends off it's not often but when it happens we always just chill in the house. I am thankful that I can's hard but it feels good.

    1. Forgiveness is definitely hard. It's never easy getting over of being betrayed.

  2. Like my grandmother always said, "I am thankful for waking up in my right mind!"
