Thankful Thursday

"Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love."

~ Unknown

This week is coming to an end quickly and I'm grateful to be ending it on a good note.  Yesterday, I had a blast chaperoning Moo's class as they went on another fieldtrip the Discovery Place Kids in Hunterville.  I'll be posting more about that later, but I'm thankful that all the kids and adults had a great time.  It was such a joy watching her interact with her friends.  She's come out of her shell so much since school started.

I'm thankful that things are continuing to fall into place for the upcoming Mommy Camp 101 hangout next week.  I'm beyond excited to be partnering with one of my favorite bloggers and super excited to chat it up with you guys. Don't forget to mark calendars and make plans to join us on April 28th at 9 PM.

Have I told you guys how proud I am of my mommy?!  She recently made the decision to go back to school for her second college degree.  Her classes started earlier this month and this week she aced her first exam with a 108!  A perfect score and then some extra credit.  I'm beyond proud of her for tackling a second degree because so many people her age wouldn't dream of sitting in college classrooms all day.

She's definitely given me motivation to get the ball rolling on getting my second degree and just overall stop making excuses for not living my life full out.  I can't even begin to imagine how the courage it must have taken for her to even consider doing something like this.  We're already looking forward to her graduation.

What's on your gratitude list?

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  1. Yay for back to school. I thought about going back for graphic design but I think I will just pay for some online classes and learn through that.

  2. Today I'm just thankful I opened my eyes!

    And congrats to your mom for going back to school. My mom is considering doing the same. I say it's never too late to do something that you've always wanted to.

    Stay blessed K!
