Greetings October!

Goodbye September and greetings October!  While I am a little bit sad at how fast this year has been going by, I can't help but be excited that we're now in the thick of the holiday season.  I find that the holidays always tend to bring out the good in people in my area (unless it's Black Friday).  Anyways, now that a new month is here, it's time to set some new goals.  My goals for October are: 


Lately, I've really been giving some thought to what kind of content I want to continue offering on this blog.  It's always been my goal to share my journey in motherhood and life in general here.  As of late, I feel like I've been trying to squeeze all of my personal moments into my Thankful Thursday posts.  So, while I'll still be doing Thankful Thursday, I'd like to get back to writing more full length posts instead of just brief snippets.

Also, I'm back in a position to where I'm able to blog with ease and look forward to being able to post five days a week again.


So, I've had my new Canon for a while now and I mostly just use it for shooting vlog videos.  I'm looking to change that this month and start taking more photos.  I'm always saying how I want to get better capturing moments and editing pictures, but how can I improve upon my photography skills if I don't first work with what I have?  I took the picture above at my daughter's school and I'm excited to take more.  I've even got plans to try my hand at snapping my own headshot over this upcoming weekend.  Feel free to leave some tips for all of you photography buffs out there.

Social Media

I feel so awful having neglected my social media pages these last couple of weeks.  However, my lack of presence has been completely in vain.  I've been doing a little research on how to make the most out of the time I will be spending on social media.  I'm looking forward to interacting with you all more on Facebook and Twitter and even Instagram.


I'm going to attempt to vlog 2 to 3 times a week.  I do have a few vlogs that I've already filmed and just need to edit before they're ready to be uploaded.  There are also some video tags that I want to film.  (Tag videos are awesome!)  In addition, I plan on being more active in my vlog groups from Facebook and Google+.

Personal Style

When I say that my wardrobe is in need of an overhaul, that's an understatement.  I needed to have purchased new clothing like last year!  Seriously, I still have tons of clothing either from my plus size days or that just don't fit right.  And I feel bad because I have a great sense of style and have helped family and friends revamp their looks.

It's time that I get on the ball and start helping myself now.  I'm loving that my body is getting back toned up and I need to invest in clothing that fits.  I'm also on a mission to add more color into my wardrobe because I have a ridiculous amount of clothing in black, brown and khaki.  My goal is to infuse more bold tones like deep reds, marigold tones, vibrant blues and purples that exude a sense of royalty.  Fingers crossed that I find some banging blazers because I have none.

Giving Back

This month is Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Y'all know that both of those issues are near and dear to my heart.  My paternal grandmother was victim of both as well as several other members in my family.  So, I'd like to crochet a blanket (or two) for to donate to a current breast cancer patient and give money to one of the shelters here that helps victims of domestic violence.  I'm even thinking of auctioning a blanket combining the awareness colors (pink and purple).

Well, those are my goals for this month.  Looking forward to making some really great progress.  Don't forget to stop back by the blog tomorrow for Thankful Thursday!

What are your goals for this month?

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  1. I am so behind on writing my goals for the month. I am going to use my PowerSheets tonight to get some things on paper. My blog is definitely high on the list of things I want to work on this month. Thanks for sharing yours! I need to do better of stopping by and commenting.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm pretty sure you have your hands full with work and mommy duty, but I'll be sure to keep my eye out for your new blog posts!

  2. Welcome to the photography club. I love to shoot life in motion I am not a fan of shooting portraits or anything. My only tip is to keep your camera handy you never know when you will capture a moment.

    1. Yea, I don't see myself doing portraits either, but I have been carrying my camera with me everyday this week!
