5 on Friday

I've been wanting to join in on the Five on Friday action for a while.  Why?  Well, link ups/blog hops are fun. That's how I've found most of the blogs I read and comment on regularly.  After all blogging is suppose to be fun and enjoyable (for me at least).  So, today I'm finally joining Christina (Carolina Charm), Dari (The Good Life Blog), Natasha (Hello! Happiness) and April (A. Liz Adventures) for their weekly link up and sharing five things.


JJ is definitely turning out to be a boys boy.  What do I mean?  Aside from sky driving on my head and causing me to sprain my next last week, he's also being a little bit more rough with Moo than usual.  He's obsessed with screw drivers and tools now.  And we can't go anywhere with loose dirt and rocks without me having to watch him like a hawk.  He hates it when I comb hair still.  He loves trucks and cars.

It's like he's coming into his boyish manliness more and more as the days pass by.  I kind of like it but I hope he's not going to start thinking he's too cool for us girls (Moo and I).


So, I said I'd tell you guys how I meant my ghost neighbors.  This past Sunday, the Mr was off and I decided that Moo and I needed an outing because I know it's important that she gets her alone time with me.  We headed out to the grocery store to pick up a few items to make tacos with for dinner.  We turn onto our street and there's a police car parked outside the apartment next to ours, but the police are standing outside of the apartment next to my neighbor's talking to some guy I had never seen before that day.

I go inside and ask the Mr if he knew what was going on?  He says he didn't even know the police were out there because they didn't use any sirens.  That's a good sign right?  Nope, turns out the supposed maintenance man (he knows how to fix or maintain NOTHING) has been stealing power from the neighbors! (Scandalous) Anyways, I still have to go and get bags from the car and when I open the door, BOOM.  The police, the new mystery man and my ghost neighbors (a young guy, his pregnant girlfriend and his mama) are all standing on our shared front porch.  

And that's how our first meeting/hellos came to be.  And the mystery man is the maintenance man's new roomie.  


Moo did well at her preschool evaluation, but dang you have to pretty much have your whole life's history in paperwork be processed before you can get a yes or no.  You'd think having a valid government ID, the child's birth certificate and a lease would be enough to prove residency and that I had a right to register her, but these people started asking for copies of bills, insurance, bank statements and check stubs right out the gate!  Like hold up, she hasn't even been evaluated and accepted yet.  It's crazy.  So, we still have to drop off a bank statement and a copy of the Mr's check stub.  

I think it's crazy that your pay can play a role in whether or not your child gets into preschool.  Like I know families that make good money, but most of the money goes to pay off pretty hefty debts likes school loans, mortgage, cars, etc.  And because the district doesn't factor in bills, I don't think it's far to discriminate based on the fact that they assume if you make XYZ amount, you can afford private preschooling.  Times are hard for everybody still.  Anyways, we go yet another waiting list (the processing list) once all the paperwork has been submitted.


We're busting out of the house this weekend!  I got invited to the movie screening for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2!  So, the kiddies, the Mr and I will be journeying over to one of the local theaters to watch with other bloggers and their families.  Now there aren't many cartoon movies I like, but Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs is one of them and I'm excited to see the sequel.

I'll be sure to take pictures.  Look out for a review/weekend recap post on Tuesday.


If you follow me on Facebook, you probably already heard my good news.  I've recently been selected to join the Chick-fil-A Moms Panel!!  I'm excited because aside from McDonald's we also eat Chick-fil-A.  They're our two favorite restaurants when it comes to fast food.  So, to have the opportunity to be a Chick-fil-A Mom is kind of a big deal for me.

They're really looking to get some feedback on current and future products and restaurant experiences to better their chains as a whole.  And I like that because having two kids with food allergies, I think I can give them a lot of insight as to what other options we'd like to see on the menus moving forward.  For instance, it was a challenge at first finding a Chick-fil-A that didn't use peanut oil to cook their waffle fries.  Moo was not happy to get a kid's meal w/ no fries every time we went.

So, moms of allergy kids, I got you!  I'm voicing my opinion and concerns for me and you.  It's no fun having to inject your child with an EpiPen in the middle of a restaurant and then spend hours in the ER for evaluation and monitoring.

Don't forget you can catch me on these other hot spots

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  1. I had no idea that your kids had food allergies. I'm assuming you deal with a peanut allergy...anything else? Rylie has a tree nut allergy, so I know how difficult it is. From what I have read, though, peanut oil is not usually an issue for people with peanut allergies. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but you may want to look into that.

    I'm on the CFA mom panel too! Feel free to find my profile and add me on FB. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, how does one even steal power from a neighbor? Those are some hood tactics right there lol.

    So your city/state doesn't provide free public elementary, or is it just for the preschool? Either way it seems pretty unfair to have income guidelines, not everyone can afford private preschool! Geesh.

    Let us know how the movie is, miss L has been begging us to take her next weekend.

  3. Congrats on the MOM panel!! SO awesome!! yay!! I don't get the per-school mess either...is it not enough that they are of age and ready to learn? It's just insane.

  4. We have to pay for preschool for Addison but they didn't give us any of those hassles. Hope everything works out.

    I am on the CFA mom panel as well. I haven't been in the group it is so much going on in there. I'll peek in next week!

  5. Love chick fil A tell them they need more salad choices. So you finally met the neighbors huh. Love the challenge going over to check out their blogs.

  6. Congrats on the CFA Mom Panel!!!

    I hate that preschool costs so much! That's a crazy story about your neighbors. How do you even steal electricity?! LOL!
