Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday!  Can't believe the weekend is almost here again.  I think that because the Mr's surgery is coming up in a few days, time is going by faster in my mind than it really is.  I'm thankful though that I'm not as nervous or worried about it anymore.  My family has been praying for us and I've turned my worrying over to God.

The other day we went over what was to be expected after surgery as far as what I would need to do to keep him comfortable and make sure he has a healthy recovery.  He's very bummed that he'll have to be on a jello diet for almost two weeks.  I'm going to see if he can have broth and popsicles too because I know he's going to get tired of jello quick and I don't need him losing too much weight or getting sick because he's not eating enough to keep up his energy or immune system.  I'm thankful that he seems to be more comfortable with the fact that he's going under the knife.  The last surgery he had was when he was a baby.

I'm also thankful that my baby brother is enjoying his new job.  I can't begin to say how proud I am of him.  He's so independent and such a gentleman.  Truly, he's been such a rock in my life and a major voice of reason.  Did I mention he's the best uncle in the world?  The kiddies absolutely adore him!

Well, JJ decided to revisit his dare devil stage and took a dive off of our bed.  Our bed sits pretty high off the ground too.  Thankfully, though he wasn't hurt.  He cried for about two minutes and was back to playing like nothing happened.  However, I've been keeping an extra close eye on him because he does like to sneak into our room and climb on things to get on to the bed so he can play.  His newest trick is pretending to be asleep.  He's got his fake snore down and everything y'all.

All in all in this week has been peaceful and wonderful. I don't have much to complain about and I love that.  Looking forward to the weekend.

What are you giving thanks for this week?


  1. I will keep your hubby's surgery in my prayers. I've seen mine through a couple and it's so hard sometimes to stay strong especially when he's in recover. I'll pray for your strength as well!

  2. Aw, not sure what your Mr.'s surgery is all about, but I hope it goes well and I hope he has a swift and good recovery! Sounds like you have a good mindset about it =)

    - Sarah

    1. I definitely tried to keep a good mindset about it. It helps when you have others praying with you!

  3. Wishing your hubs a speedy recovery and a Popsicle or 2 for the 2 weeks.

    I'm thankful for warm weather coming to Chicago. :)

    1. Glad you all finally got some warm weather! And he definitely was able to have his popsicles.

  4. I hope the hubs has a quick recovery. Keeping you all in my prayers. I am thankful for the hubs and I business growing.

    1. Thanks for the prayers! Happy to hear that business is growing for you and the Mr.

  5. Best wishes to your husband. I hope he has a speedy recovery. I am thankful for new opportunities. I have two job interviews on Monday and I just feel like one of these is going to be the opportunity I am waiting for!

    1. I hope one of those job opportunities came through for you!
