Bible 365: Week 14

Well, we're making our way on through this Bible 365 and I'm still loving it.  The scriptures for Week 14 couldn't have come at better time.  As I continue to work my plan for The YUMMommy Project, I'm reminded of 2 Chronicles 19:11b.  It reads, "Behave courageously and the Lord will be with the good."

Starting this project is scary because it's hard to get others to believe in your cause as passionately as you do.  And while you'd think that it would be easy to get people to give, volunteer and more it's not.  We live in a somewhat selfish and self-centered world.  However, I will not be deterred.  I'm going to behave courageously and push forward.  I've seen a need and I don't want to be a bystander any longer.

"[F]or the battle is not yours, but God's" (2 Chronicles 20:15).  I know that I'm not the only who tries to fight battles that are beyond what I am capable of handling alone.  No matter how strong we think we are, there is always going to be an issue that requires a little supernatural help or miracle.  I've had to turn over a battle that I was trying to fight alone to God that has to do with an aspect of my personal life.

Worrying and frustration are not things that I'm convinced God wants us to feel.  If we let Him, He will work out our issues one way or another.  It may not always work out the way we want it to but it will always work out for our good!

When was the last time you did something bold or courageous?

Week 15 Readings
4/8:  Ezra 1-2
4/9:  Ezra 3-6
4/10:  Ezra 7-8
4/11:  Ezra 9-10
4/12:  Nehemiah 1-2
4/13:  Nehemiah 3-5
4/14:  Nehemiah 6-7

1 comment

  1. You're right - He DOESN'T want us to worry. That's something I've had to learn with age.

    Sometimes I fail to pray for myself. It's not that I don't know better (because I do). It's because my problems may not be as big as the mom who just learned her kid has cancer, for example. Or the family who has nothing.

    Who am I to pray about my own problems?

    My devotional today talked about these exact feelings. How we often feel guilty about praying for things so "earthly." It stressed the fact that He knows our heart and our struggles, even when we can't fix our mouths to bring them to him, for whatever reason. That was so comforting to me because I struggle with this often. I am ALWAYS feeling guilty about praying for something for myself.

    Anyhoo, thanks for this post. Looking forward to hearing more.
