Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday everyone!  I'm this post from my front porch as I watch the kiddies play.  The weather is a bit cool and windy but still a good day to be outside.  The cabin fever was starting to set in.  And we don't do the playground in the winter since Moo is allergic to the flu shot.

I'm thankful to just have this opportunity to be out here surrounded by such beauty.  I'm thankful that we live in such a lovely neighborhood.  I'm thankful for these wonderful moment in my motherhood journey where I get to just it back and observe my kids in there elements.  I can snap candids for the scrapbook and just enjoy their laughter as they dig in the dirt.

I'm thankful that birthday will be here next week.  I know people get freaked out about becoming older but not me.  Each year brings new lessons, great memories and better accomplishments.  I'm looking forward to celebrating with the kids and the Mr.  And to make it even sweeter, I just got invited to a private movie screening.  So looks like we can save a few bucks ($21 to be exact) on the movie we were going to go see. And the movie we will be seeing is one that I wanted to see anyway. God is good yall!

I'm thankful that I've been making progress on my novel.  Being a published author is something I've dreamed about since I was child.  I'm beyond nervous because this book is like my third baby.  And while I feel great about what I'm writing, when it comes to creative things like books, fashion, movies, etc not everyone always loves it.  But I'm determined to persevere. 

Now this is going to sound crazy, but I'm thankful for the Angus CBO from McDonald's.  Yes, I am totally addicted to those things.  Why?  Well, it combines four of my favorite foods.  I live for a good juicy burger.  I enjoy cheese to the highest.  Bands don't make me dance, but bacon will! LOL.  And I can't live without onions.

Source: McDonald's

Source: McDonald's

I can't even tell you how many CBOs I've had since they've been introduced.  I really wish that tMcDonald's would make them a staple on the their menu.  I've even gotten the Mr hooked on the Premium Chicken CBO.  I think he thought I was nuts when I told him how good they were.  I know people say you shouldn't love food and that you should eat to live, but I love food.  I live for a good eats.

What are you thankful for this week?

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