Dreams, Visions And Resolutions 2013

"It's only when you make the process your goal that the big dream can follow."
~Oprah Winfrey

Miss Winfrey couldn't have hit the nail more on the head if she tried.  Year after year many of us set resolutions, write down our dreams and entertain visions of how we would like for our lives to play out in the next year.  And while I have to admit that I did pretty good on accomplishing a few of my resolutions, I can admit that I could have done a whole lot better.  This year I was a mom of two, battled several issues in my personal life and almost sunk back into depression.  But still I should have made the process of achieving my dreams and resolutions my main goal.

So, with 2012 about to kick the bucket and the kids down for bed, I have completed my 2013 Vision Board to serve as a guide and constant reminder of my dreams, visions and resolutions for the new year.  I'm staying committed to making the process my goal.   It's not just enough to speak these things out into the universe YUMMs.  Words and faith without actions and follow up might as well be nonexistent. 

I'm telling you these last two months have been eye openers and game changers for me.  Like in all seriousness, shit got really real!  This always second guessing myself and over thinking every step before I even make it got me nowhere.  And as much as I want to say that I let other people talk me out of taking certain leaps, at the end of the day the truth was whatever I didn't accomplish or take a stab at was because of my own fears.

I'm taking back the wheel and control of my life.  My destiny. My legacy.  There's so much riding on me reaching fuller potential that it's not even funny.  It's go big or stay home in 2013. I'm either putting up or shutting up this shop and sitting my butt down somewhere.  And I'm choosing to shine and go for the gold.

In 2013, my resolutions are to:

  • Get stronger in my faith and read my Bible daily
  • Workout 3 times a week minimum
  • Cook healthier (sorry fried foods)
  • Travel more and experience new places with the kiddies and Mr
  • Secure my dream blog sponsors
  • Attend at least 2 blog conferences
  • Build up my savings account and family emergency fund
  • Become more present and here in the time I spend with my kids and husband
  • Publish this novel I've been talking about and do a mini book tour/signing
  • Find an illustrator for my kids book series
  • Buy a new car (I'm not about this one car life anymore)
  • Move to a bigger place (We've been cramped long enough)
  • Increase my giving back and community service
  • Grow YUMMommy
  • Start an online magazine
  • Revamp my wardrobe (I lost a lot of weight and inches since Jan 2012 but I've barely gotten new clothes for my new shape)
  • Stay Team Natural (Relaxers I rebuke you)
  • Do more for myself (No more talking myself out of new shoes or cute nail polishes)
  • Build and nourish new friendships
There you have it. By end of the 365 days of 2013, I aim to have every last one of these marked off my list.  And yes, that's being realistic. I don't think I've made any resolutions that I would take more than a year to achieve.  For a few of these, I've already set wheels into motion and at this point it's about following through and checking up on things.

As New Year's Eve approaches, I hope that each of you are taking stock of your life from 2012.  What didn't you like?  What didn't you accomplish that you wanted to?  And why didn't you accomplish it?  Don't be your biggest enemy in 2013.  Make your list of goals and resolve first to commit to taking the steps to making your dreams reality. 

Anything is possible if you're willing to work for it.  Get an accountability partner if you need to.  Just don't settle for another year of throwing in the towel and complaining from the sidelines. Get out their on the court and play to win it YUMMs!

What's your biggest dream or accomplishment you want or need to achieve in 2013?


  1. Those are some great resolutions! I wish you success! Ihave dreams of getting my business up and running in 2013. It will be done!

  2. I believe you can and know you will. And I had to snicker at the rebuking of the relaxer, I'm with you on that one.

  3. I love your resolutions. Those are great goals!!! I have my resolutions planned out as well.

  4. i pray you reach each one your goal on the list. having a vision board makes your goals real. to a fulfilling 2013!

  5. Way to make realistic achievable goals!! Can't wait to hear you talk about checking them off your list!

  6. That is a fantastic quote! If we put our minds to it we can make our reslutions happen. I want to wish you and your family a very happy New Year my friend! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  7. I love your vision board! You've got some great goals girl! I may have to steal a few, lol!

    Don't feel too bad or too alone. I struggling with depression at the most oddest times.

    Have a wonderful New Year! =)


  8. Love your vision board and your list of things to do this year! What blog conferences are you trying to hit up this year, would love to meet you in person!
