Striving For Improvement

YUMMommy is almost three years old!  Can you all  believe that?  Yes, my third blogiversary will be here in a little over three months folks.  So, I'm striving to make a few improvements around these parts.  Yes, this started off as a personal blog, but I've come to realize that I write just as much for all as I do for myself.

Therefore, I'm enlisting your help to make sure things stay interesting.  Below is a survey I've created to kind of get a picture of what my readership looks like, what you all love, what you want to see more of and that sort of stuff.  I hope that you will take a moment to fill it out.  And don't worry it's completely anonymous.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Do you think reader surveys are important?


  1. Congrats! Did you remove the survey? I don't see it.

    1. No, it's still up and loading fine on my computer. Here's the link
