My Weekend WrapUp

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a good weekend.  Our weekend was kind of long.  Friday, the Mr thought it would be a good idea to get some more grilling time in before it gets cold cold out.  Well, we went to clean the old charcoal out of the grill and the entire bottom of the grill fell out!

Of course, that meant he had to go hunt another grill.  Thankfully, he didn't have to drive all over town to find one. The Mr is able to find a new grill that was similar to the one we had had before.  So, we're putting it together only to find out one of the legs wouldn't stay on.  By this time, two hours have gone by and we're just ready to eat already.  So, we rig one of the legs from the old broken grill onto the new one.

Saturday, I decided to take the kids to the library.  We hadn't been in a while and Moo had been asking me to go non-stop during the week.  The kids have a blast at the library.  They play at the computer center, look at some books and picked out some books from the name your own price book sale.

We're barely home an hour when the Mr is changing JJ's diaper and notices something is wrong with his right eye.  It's all red and both the lower and upper lids are swollen.  We check him out some more to see that he has rash all over his stomach and sides.  Of course, he hasn't eaten anything that he can't have.  So, I start to freak out a bit.

We load up and head to the nearest hospital which isn't our usual hospital.  But I figured it was important to just go to the closest place we could because hey when it comes to an eye, a hand or a foot or your heart or your head you don't really want to take any chances.  And he was scratching like a mad man.  So, I just wanted to get him comfortable fast and find out what had caused this certain flare-up.

Well, we regret not going to our usual hospital because we spent hours in the waiting room and almost an hour in the back before a doctor came in.  During all this time the swelling went down a little but his neck and face had started to become covered in a red rash which one of the nurses witnessed.   Moo was not enjoying being confined and not being able to roam freely.  Then she got frustrated because she got hungry and ended up spilling almost half a bag of NERD candies on the floor.

And of course, I was getting pissed because I was seeing people get carted off for x-rays that came in after we did.  Also, the paramedics brought in this teen on a stretcher who looked fairly unconscious.  His mom and her husband arrived and come to find out he was unconscious alright because he was high as a kite.  And the whole time we're waiting to get placed in our room, she's in the waiting room screaming at him asking him can he see or hear her.  Her husband says not even two words the entire time they're there. So, I'm thinking he might have been the step-dad.

Anyways, she proceeds to get on her phone and call her sister to give a blow by blow of how her son is sitting in a wheelchair higher than a bird.  And she's not even trying to talk about this in  a discreet voice but is talking so loud people in the waiting area across from us have stopped talking to now stare in their direction.  I'm not sure if I would have wanted to reveal to 25-30 people that my son was so high he couldn't even remember his own name.

Long story short, when we went to the hospital it was still daylight outside-maybe 6 PM.  We left the hospital at midnight!  Never again will we be using this hospital.  When the doctor did come in it was the quickest exam ever. So, we're off to see the peds this week for a follow up because he still has the rash covering his stomach and sides.

Being that I was beyond tired from our long day on Saturday, I didn't get up in time to make it to church.  I was a little bummed out because I really, really enjoy our new church.  But JJ and I did get to catch up on our sleep.  Moo can keep going off little or sleep. I don't know how that girl's body does it.

I'm really glad that today has been non-eventful to say the least.  The rest of this week, I'm hoping to focus on my upcoming wedding anniversary.  It's in six days!!

Was your weekend as eventful and tiresome as ours?


  1. Oh wow! My weekend was not nearly as tiresome! Glad to hear about the good points of your weekend, and hope that whatever is wrong with JJ is minor! And happy anniversary in advance!

    1. Thanks. We just need to get rid of this rash. His eye is already back to normal.

  2. Sorry about that long hospital wait! I know how that is. Glad everyone is okay.

  3. My weekend is ALWAYS on full blast... I'm dreaming of a weekend where I can just sleep in and NOBODY say NOTHING to me!!!! *DREAMS do come TRUE* *Fingers Crossed - one day*

    Cheers to your anniversary!!!! Wishing you many more years of LOVE & Happiness!!!!


    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with you. Thanks for the anniversary wishes.

  4. Oh my! I hope JJ's rash goes away! I wonder what it is...

    Happy early anniversary!

  5. So after all that they still didn't say what the rash was? We have a hospital like that by our house I am so thankful that it has been bought out by a large hospital in the area that I trust. Hope he's feeling better

    1. The doctor guessed at what it could be, but we'll have an official diagnosis on Friday.

  6. That is annoying. I hope your son feels better. Happy anniversary. Mine is coming up soon too!

  7. Catching up on your posts and your ER story after the comment you left me. That's so crazy about your experience! I hope you're able to find out what's going on. It's so sad when kids have to go through things like that.
