Thanksgiving Recap

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I know that I did.  It got to a rocky start because my mom's car broke down the night before Thanksgiving Eve.  It was just a whole lot of stress that I didn't really need or want.  Anyways, the situation got worked out.

I ended up cooking a full Thanksgiving dinner that consisted of a small turkey (lemon & herbs seasoning), mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, corn bread, stuffing, apple pie and a sweet potato pie complete with a scratch made crust.  Let me just say that my first attempt at making a pie crust did not turn out too well.  I think that I didn't put enough flour in it.

Thankfully, my second attempt was a success.  Moo enjoyed playing in the flour and kneading the dough.  She's really been taking an interest in helping me cook.  I'm thinking about getting a little step stool and apron for her.

My brother and baby sister spent the night Thanksgiving Eve.  We had a blast catching up and telling funny stories while I finished the pies and wrapped up Christmas presents for the kids.  It had been three months since I'd seen my brother and one month since I last saw my sister.  We do enjoy being spread out in different cities but we miss being in each other's company too.

Thanksgiving day was fun.  We went to my younger sister and her husband's apartment for dinner.  Moo was beyond happy to see her Grandma and my niece.  JJ wasn't too thrilled to be away from his bouncer seat.  Not to mention, with all his teething, he just wasn't having it.

We made back home in time to see the Mr off to work.  I hated that he had to go but it's life.  That's the one thing I don't miss about working in retail. Working on the holidays.  And I'm looking forward to the day when my husband won't have to either.

I didn't even bother going out for Black Friday.  It's not what it's cracked up to be.  I can personally say that half stuff that was on sale will be cheaper after Christmas or after New Year's.  When I worked in retail I loved being able to give my family and friends a heads up on what stuff to wait on.  I think that a lot of people just blow Black Friday out of portion.

You had grown people behaving like rabid animals for some video games, toys and clothing.  That to me is just plain disgusting.  Especially, when some of those people know they can't afford any of the stuff they got and will end up returning or pawning it.

Anyways, I'm glad that my family and I are able to keep the holidays in perspective.  I'm looking forward to Christmas and being with my loved ones again.

How was your Thanksgiving?


  1. I was also thinking about getting my daughter an apron, since it's hard to keep her out of the kitchen. She has her own play kitchen set, but she wants to help me cook more and more. So looks like we'll be doing the same as you.

    I'm glad to hear that you had a good thanksgiving with family and with your dinner. I don't know what it is about making crust, but the first time I made it, it wasn't so good (didn't add enough salt), but after the first time, it gets much better.

    Best. KalleyC

  2. I'm totally with you on Black Friday. It's really not that serious and I can't believe the lengths people go to in order to get material things they really don't need. Anyway, my Thanksgiving was great! Tons of food and relaxation!

  3. @KalleyC-I'm glad that it does because I will certainly be making more dough!!

    @Tiffany-Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.

  4. My Thanksgiving was great. For the first time I prepared the meal and it was good! I was proud of myself. I'm not much of a cooker but I am trying.

    I did get out on Black Friday. I hit up the outlets not far from my house and racked up at Carters, Gymboree and Gap with clothes for the kids. The crowd there was good. The lines were long but moved fast.
