Thankful Thursday

Whelp, another Thankful Thursday is here and I'm thankful to have my life, health and strength.  I'm very thankful that Hurricane Irene didn't do too much damage in the Queen City. We had some strong wind gusts but no rain.  That was a blessing because some areas here are still flooded out from all the rain storms we've had this summer.  I know those residents were thankful for a break.

I'm also thankful that YUMMommy is continuing to grow and take off.  I've had a few companies contact me and about working together.  I'm thrilled and over the moon.  So, I hope that you all will stick around and come back often because there will be some really good giveaways coming up soon.

I'm thankful for all the support I have been getting in the Charlotte's Most Valuable Blogger Contest.  It means a lot to have all of you voting for YUMMommy daily.  Thank you very much!!  I'm very thankful that my one year wedding anniversary is coming up the end of this month!!

I'm super excited about it.  Although, I don't have anything special planned yet, I know it's going to be a wonderful day.

Has something happened this week that you are thankful for?


  1. Everything is truly a blessing!

    Congratulations on it all!

  2. I am glad you and your family are safe : )
    I have to say I am thankful for this life I live, and all that comes with it. Congrats on the anniversary coming up!

  3. Yes, YUMM continues to grow and that's a blessing. And OMG, am I thankful that Irene didnt do too much damage over here either! Whew!
