March of Dimes

The March of Dimes' mission is "to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality."

Why You Should Support Them
I'm sure that I don't have to tell most of you how unpredictable pregnancy can be.  While the journey of bringing life into this world is by the greatest gift ever, it can sometimes be a very dangerous for both mom and baby.  Today pregnant women have a whole slew of pregnancy complications that just happen at any minute. And even if you do go full term there's still a lot of complications that can happen with the baby such as birth defects and even worse infant mortality.

Founded in 1938 to originally fight off the out of control polio epidemic, the March of Dimes is not working around the clock to help families who are facing pregnancy related challenges through research,community service, education, and advocacy.  Their team of professionals strive hard to figure out causes of why some babies are born premature, with birth defects and more.  The March of Dimes also works in hospitals to be a support system for those families of babies in the NICU.

March of Dimes representatives assist families with everything from counseling and understanding their baby's condition to helping those in need of financial assistance secure funds to pay for treatment.  Having had a tough pregnancy my first time around, I felt comforted knowing that the March of Dimes was there if ever I would need them.  I was very thankful of the reading material I received from them on little things that could help better my pregnancy and increase my chances of a full term delivery.  

And even now that I am in the last trimester of my second pregnancy, I still comfort in knowing that if anything should suddenly happen, there is someone that my family and I can turn to for support.  For more information on the March of Dimes visit their website here.

How You Can Help
You help the March of Dimes by making a financial donation.  The money collected goes towards funding research that is crucial in helping to reduce the number of babies born prematurely and with birth defects.  This money also helps to fund community service and educational programs for both citizens and medical professionals.

Also, the March of Dimes is always looking for volunteers and service partners.  You help by taking part in campaigns like the March for Babies.  And of course one of the best ways you can help is by spreading the word about this wonderful organization and how they are fighting to help moms and babies.  

For more information on opportunities of how you can get involved click here.

More 411

*PS-My playgroup is participating in an upcoming March for Babies walk and would love your help with meeting our $8000 goal.  You can check out our team page here.

1 comment

  1. I've always loved March of Dimes! It's such a great organization and they do fabulous work. I've supported them since I was in college through fundraisers and other programs, and will continue to do so.
