Morning Sickness Blues

My first pregnancy was quite the adventure to say the least.  However, I have to admit that after the first four months, my morning sickness wasn't so bad.  I found out quickly that milk products triggered it.  So, I gave up cow's milk in favor of soy.  In fact, I haven't had a glass of cow's milk in almost three years now.  And while I had morning sickness up until two days before I delivered, I didn't have it everyday.

Boy that is not case with this pregnancy.  I'm finding out that everything seems to trigger it.  I can no longer drink orange juice, sodas or kool aid.  Pretty much anything sweet tastes completely gross and sends my stomach into overload.  Yes, this baby is screwing up my taste buds.  So, far I've given up ice cream, popsicles, candy (except gummy bears), juice, soda, cereal, pickles and the list goes on.

The only safe foods are noodles, green veggies, chicken, steak and hamburgers.  This week alone I've eaten chicken at least twice and have been starving for at least four days because I couldn't keep anything down.  This sucks big time because I'm worried that the baby isn't getting enough nutrients.  And when my hubby commented that my baby bump actually looked small, I started to panic.  I'm trying to patient and wait for my new obb/gyn to fit me in for an appointment but at times I just feel like showing up to her office unannounced and demanding a check up.

Of course, they reassure you that morning sickness is normal and nothing to be alarmed about, but I'm not convinced that this is normal this time around.  I'm losing weight instead of gaining weight and the prenatal vitamins they prescribed me that are suppose to help with my digestion aren't working because I can't keep those down either.  And being in this constant state of hunger is really starting to affect my mood.  I'm grumpy and annoyed all the time it seems.  I don't like to be touched or even talked to for that matter.

I miss the old much more cheerful me and so does my family.  I can't wait until I get in to see my doctor because we are seriously going to have to find a medicine to help with this.  I can't go the remaining 7 months being hungry or living off chicken.   I want to be able to enjoy this pregnancy.  So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will either pass quickly or get better.


  1. Aww, cuz sorry your going through the morning sickness blues, hopefully the doctor will have a solution.

  2. Thanks! I'm so looking forward to my next visit so that we can get this morning sickness under control.

  3. Morning sickness sucks!!!! Big time! I REALLY hope you get over this soon. Usually around the 13-week mark it tampers off a bit. Also, have you tried crackers? That may (or may not) work. *fingers crossed*

  4. @SweetAl-I thought about trying crackers, but bread doesn't stay down so well. However, I'll still give them a shot.

  5. Congrats in the pregnancy! Exciting news!

  6. I am happy you're going to the doctor, and I'm sure he'll help you find some remedies for this! At least you are taking the prenatals, which should be making up for some of the nutrients that you may be missing out on with the aversion to so many foods.

    Well chicken is great for you! Maybe you can just continue to find new and creative ways to eat that.

    Feel better, chica! (((hugs)))

  7. @Miss Pancakes-Thanks!

    @Yakini-I have been experimenting with new recipes for chicken thanks to the Food Network and Cooking Channel. LOL.

  8. Oh, I'm sorry! Funny how pregnancies can be so different, huh? If you can eat meat & veggies & noodles I wouldn't worry at ALL about your baby getting enough nutrients. I couldn't keep down prenatals either so I started taking 2 children's chewable gummy vitamins a day. Maybe ask your Dr. if that's an option?

  9. @diaryofanewmom-I have recently switched from the prenatals to the gummy kid's vitamen. I have had no problem with those staying down.
